broken promises
if Santa had you on his list
you'd have enough coal by now
to heat the entire world
until the end of time
broken promises
if Santa had you on his list
you'd have enough coal by now
to heat the entire world
until the end of time
La Roche de la Croix
what a view the pirates had
from the limestone ledges
of Tower Rock
the Mississippi so low
I can retrace their footsteps
"Were cut down out of time, whose foundation was overflown with a flood"
Job 22:16
Crossing the Dunes
flood waters rushing
through the Sahara
as though it were a biblical tale
the palm trees standing
in their own reflections
pages of writing
I wish I could read what's on
a butterfly's wing
the buckeye saw me looking
and moved a thistle away
red circles under my eyes
the injury
of a mosquito bite
takes longer to heal
than the first assault
summer began with
the long drive to get there
grandma's front porch
from rice and old bottle caps
we made our own tambourines
approaching train
a boy with his hands
over his ears
as if the noise were gunshots
on the Fourth of July
remembering the January 6th insurrection I will not pardon the snow's return nor shake its icy hand