human nature and its assorted animals you are no better off for having left the barn door open
breathing is painful from the fractured rib from the blunt force from the brush fire you made dying in the moonlight
the tail is the last thing to disappear a red-shouldered hawk on an antique plow devouring a mouse
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
you were always planning our next trip summer solstice the darkness filled with fireflies
Saturday, May 20, 2017
something to be salvaged after the storm a bird's song rising from the woodpile
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Winds were 60 mph last night. Downed power lines in Cedar Hill. straight-line winds knocking trees into the pond a school of fish check out the new arrivals
These are tanka I wrote several years ago. They were published on "The Anglo-Japanese Society" website which is no longer accessible. with the moon against the darkness I start out small in just a sliver of canoe lost streets that twist without reason except to hold the shadows of other people's stories in the anatomy of a gray feather barely a spine-- is that all it takes to travel so lightly this morning the river carries the news before I can write it down three deer are swimming towards me buried in hands a face tired of holding itself up I know not if this church is for prayer or sorrow
Sunday, January 8, 2017
the red-faced stare of a rundown house like tall tales no one remembers where the bricks came from